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Busy time at Christmas

for the postman too

And the angels

some of the families

Joan tells the story

Our sparkly angel

Messy Christmas Service  -  21 December 2014

After the nativity play during the morning service, St. Mungo's then hosted the Messy Church Christmas service for families with young, and not so young children.

Joan Cape led the service, supported by the Puppets and Graham McDonald on the piano.  Joan welcomed everyone at this busy time as we approach Christmas, with parties, end of school concerts, shopping, and sending Christmas cards. We also saw busy postmen, delivering all our cards and presents.

All of a sudden one of our puppet  angels, with sparkly dress and wings appeared, and told us that it was not only THEM (Postmen) that are busy!  Christmas is a busy time for angels too. Joan then wondered what an angel looked like, as the bible doesn't actually say what they look like. Our sparkly angel thought she made a pretty good likeness of an angel, before disappearing. 

We then hear the angels message to Mary, telling her of the baby she will give birth to, telling her:. "You are to call him Jesus.  He will be great and will be called the Son of God, the Most High. He will reign forever; his kingdom will never end".

The angels also spoke to Joseph, saying "Don’t be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because this baby in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins".

We sang Away in a manger, with slides showing drawings painted by the children from schools across Penicuik.  We then watched a video of the shepherd's seeing the bright light that would lead them to Bethlehem, and heard the story from Joan
of the angels message to the shepherds, telling them to go to the stable where Jesus was born.

A puppet appeared, saying the shepherds all saw the angels, so they must know what they look like!  Joan agreed but it wasn't like that, telling us what one of the shepherds said. Though they could not actually see the angel they heard it telling them that a baby was to be born this night and to hurry to Bethlehem. It doesn't really matter what an angel looks like,  the important thing is the message they bring.

We sang  a carol written by Beth Hudson, 'O star, O star so bright'.

The story concluded with what happened at the end of Jesus's life, nailed to a cross. How he was taken down and put in a grave, and three days later he rose from the dead, at a time we call Easter, which is really the end of the Christmas story. The story of the baby Jesus who came to earth, lived among us, and then died on that cross so that we can go one day to be with God in Heaven.

The children then selected an angel from the basket of knitted angels made by people across Penicuik for Hope4Penicuik and Messy church. The families enjoyed refreshments before leaving the church to start their own Christmas celebrations.

Earlier that Sunday we saw the nativity story played out at the morning service. You can read about that HERE