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Hats, mitts, blankets and Teddies from the Guild

Some of the information on hand for visitors

Time for a bit of discussion

Boards helped to  display what was on offer

Heart of the Matter  Radio on FM and live on the web

Prayer box, often found in local Supermarkets

Outreach and Witness -  25 September

St. Mungo’s church hall played host on the afternoon of Staurday 25th September to the Penicuik Churches, working together and sharing the vision of Outreach and Witness, in which we are all engaged. The afternoon attracted many people from each of the Churches, not only those involved with running the displays.

St. James the Less, South, North and Sacred Heart Churches were all there, along of course with St. Mungo’s. Each Church was displaying projects and activities that reach out into our community, and beyond into the big wide world. In addition there were tables displaying the activities of Christian Aid, the Scripture Union, The Guild, Love Russia, Recovery Scotland, Impact World Tour, and Heart of the Matter, which is broadcast on Black Diamond FM radio (107.8 FM).

The outreach and witness day is an opportunity for fellowship with the other congregations of God’s church in our Lord Jesus Christ in Penicuik. To share what we do in Outreach and Witness and look to the future, how we can build on what we have, adding new vision to our outreach and witness.

Whilst St. Mungo’s extended outreach supports Love Russia, and Romania supporting the orphans and underprivileged children in those countries, other churches in Penicuik support work in African countries, including St. James in Malawi, Sacred Heart in Nigeria, and South Church in Rawanda. Like St. Mungo’s, the other Penicuik churches work through established charities and organisations to support, rather than “aid” impoverished people in these countries. As the old Chinese proverb states: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”.

Closer to home each Church displayed some of the many activities they are involved in across the UK, including Christians Against Poverty (CAP) who help people who have fallen into debt, and Mothers Union who provide help with parenting skills, prison work, and child contact centres.

At the local level the Church of Scotland Guild were represented by St. Mungo’s, displaying work for the forthcoming Christmas support of children in Romania, the joint churches prayer activities, e.g. Prayer drops in the various supermarkets, and childcare facilities, e.g. Tots Zone in the South Church, and J-Tots in St. James. Recovery Scotland displayed their programme aimed at people affected by “Hurt, Habit, or Hang-ups” and how God can help them in their recovery.

Christian Aid was represented by Janis and David Hogg, whose table was adorned by the biggest Goose to be seen, and Jack Hutcheson coined the strap line “Have a Gander at our table”. Janis and David were showing practical ways of supporting people in poorer countries, through provision of clean water, clothing, schooling etc. Obviously there is a cardboard cut-out in this picture, but can you tell which one it is?

The Outreach and Witness event among all the Penicuik Churches showed what is being done, and provided ideas to others on what they can do too. I am sure that each of the Churches will have identified new ideas, or different ways of doing existing things, based on what was shown on the 25th September.

The day was completed with an evening service at the Sacred Heart Church.


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Penicuik: St. Mungo's Parish Church (Church of Scotland). Scottish Charity No SC005838