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Quiz Night 16 May 2016

Story - Agnes Ovenstone, photos Jim Paterson

Can you all hear me cries quizmaster Gordon MacDonald

Our annual quiz was held on Monday 16 May when we were joined by members from St James the Less and the South Churches.  Gordon MacDonald and Agnes Ovenstone asked the questions and kept the score.  There were six categories of questions - Film & TV, Food, History, Art & Literature, the Bible, and General Knowledge. 

There were six teams taking part with the novel titles, the Bright Sparks, the B Jays, Fiona's Flyers, Chinid, the Three Graces plus one, and the Winalot Woofwoofs.

There was so much laughter that some of the questions had to be repeated more than once. From the scores it appeared that most of the questions were relatively easy although they were all multiple choice so there was a one in four chance of getting the right. However the golden rule of  'if in doubt vote for C' did not always work!

One of the questions in the History section caused a bit of a puzzle - The Kingdom of Cusco is associated with which civilization? The choices were Greek, Inca, Roman, Egyptian. Much head scratching. See end of story for the right answer.

However when it came to the Bible questions (which were not multiple choice) all that changed and a winner appeared. The questions for this section were set by Hugh Davidson, our minister, who was banned from his team for this round. However, for one of the questions he did add an extra 'throw away' option. The question was 'Who had three friends called Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Na'amathite?

From the back of the hall Hugh added 'and Taffy the Anthracite'. Mmmm not sure if a 'Taffy' is mentioned in the Bible. The correct answer is Job.

Tea/Coffee and Home Baking was served at the interval and biscuits and cheese were available for nibbling during the quiz. The result was very close but the winners, by one point, were The Three Graces plus one which comprised of Marion Mather,Gillian Little, Margaret Coull from St James and Margaret Black from St Mungo's.

Margaret Coull accepted the 'Smart Alec' trophy for her team, from Agnes Ovenstone.

There was a great atmosphere in the hall and everyone agreed it had been a happy fun night.

The answer to the above question about Cusco is Inca.

Penicuik: St. Mungo's Parish Church (Church of Scotland). Scottish Charity No SC005838