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Agnes Ovenstone with
'Dr. Janis'

Agnes Black with 'Dr. Janis'

Souper lunch

Souper Sunday  - 7 January 2018

Click on the links to hear the story from the service

Soup lunch after the Souper Sunday service

St. Mungo's was supporting 'Souper Sunday', a Church of Scotland initiative, with the elders of our church leading the acts of worship. There followed a simple lunch of soup and bread.

Margaret Webster led our service, supported by members and elders of our church. The service was focused on the work of your church supporting the fight against HIV virus and the impact it has on many lives across the world.

Margaret offered a new year welcome to the congregation, this being the first Sunday service of 2018. Eric Marchant then introduced the purpose and background to the service.

After our Call to Worship we sang Hymn 172 ' Sing for God's Glory'. An opening prayer led us into the Lord's Prayer which we said together.

The All Age talk saw Janis Hogg play the part of 'Doctor Janis', complete with stethoscope, borrowed from her grandchild's nurses set, diagnosing the pains and ailments of her patients. First up was Mary Paterson, suffering with a severe cold and sore throat, something many in our congregation had recently experienced. Dr. Janis offered the rest and paracetamol cure as her hospital could not afford the new decongestant.

Next up was Agnes Ovenstone suffering from a sprained wrist following a fall. Dr. Janis tried to strap it up but the hospital had run out of bandages. Advising Agnes to have a friend tear up a tea towel into badages, strap the wrist, and another tea towel as a sling, take some paracetamol, and pray!  

Finally Margaret Black came into the surgery suffering a severe migraine headache. Poor Dr.Janis again had none of the effective medicine, so prescribed, you guessed it, paracetamol, lie down in a darkened room, and drink plenty water!.

Not a very helpful hospital, Dr. Janis reported. We  know the NHS is in trouble, but we know that help is there, and that plans were being made to improve the situation. Unfortunately many millions around the world have no access  to anything like our NHS, for all we complain about it.

Many diseases have available medicines, with HIV being one. However it isn't available to millions, including children that are suffering this disease. Dr. Janis told us how the  Church of Scotland, with our congregations help through Souper Sunday, is committed to helping all those in need. Jesus told us to feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, and look after the sick. That is what we are intending to do today. We finished with a prayer, thanking God for our good fortune, and to give us strength to reach out and support those less fortunate than ourselves.

Time to sing Hymn 360 'Jesus is waiting'. Our bible readings were read by Dorothy Paterson; Matthew chapter 25: verses 35-40, and Isaiah chapter 1 verse 17.

Hymn 259 ' 'Beauty for brokenness' led us into the main stories about the HIV project.

The Talk, was in four parts, starting with Christine Jackson, then Ian Dickson, Gordon MacDonald, and Sheila Haig.

Margaret Webster provided a conclusion to what we had heard, followed by a prayer

Hymn 544 'When I needed a neighbour were you there' was followed by our offering, and prayers, led by Bill Webster.

Our final praise for the service was Hymn 123 'God is love, followed by the Benediction.

sunfilled hall as we enjoy our 'souper' lunch
The kitchen team had been working hard in the hall with a selection of piping hot home made soup and fresh bread on offer, together with cheese and biscuits, tea and cake to follow.

A collection box gathered donations from many in the hall, with Gift Aid envelopes meaning that our HIV giving would realise an extra 25% on the money we donated.    

A thank you to all who took part in the service, those who attended to hear the plight of those across the world suffering from HIV, and prepared to do something practical in the Church of Scotland's plight to help those in need. Praying is good, but we need to be pragmatic to put God's work into practice.
Souper Sunday offered a brilliant opportunity to raise much needed funds for a wide range of HIV initiatives at home and overseas.

Published - 11 January 2018
Penicuik: St. Mungo's Parish Church (Church of Scotland). Scottish Charity No SC005838